Monday, July 13, 2009

The Beginning

First of all, a word about the title of this blog. On our second day here, one of the program directors informed us that Indians use the word "sultry" to describe the humidity here--the constant, oppressive force that drenches us in sweat before 10 in the morning. I thought the word described what I've seen of India thus far, so it became the name of my first blog.
I've been here in Hyderabad for less than a week--about 5 days--and I'm already recovering from my first bout of food sickness. I'll spare you the details but let's just say that riding on buses through the streets of Hyderabad does not a calm stomach make. Everyone seemed very concerned about me though, and our bus driver even drove to get me some rehydration powder. I'm feeling much better now, but let's just say that Indian food, as wonderful as it is, was not what I wanted to see first thing in the morning after puking all night.
That said, India has been wonderful so far. My first impressions are that it is extremely hot, flat and crowded, yet delicious and titillating all at the same time. We've only gone out of the campus a few times, but every time I've been completely blown away. Everything that everyone told me thus far is true, but there is nothing compared to experiencing it myself.
The most striking thing about India is the contrasts. There are literally fancy apartment complexes and shopping malls with security guards right next to mini slums made of tarp tents with entire families living inside. Even though the poverty immense and even suffocating, the most dejected people find ways to make their lives beautiful, tying jasmine flowers into their hair, marking their foreheads with bindis, and wearing the most brightly colored, silky saris you can imagine.
I've been here for less than a week, but I'm already impressed, disgusted and entirely overwhelmed by that which is INDIA. Now we're going to attempt to find a craft market in the city, and then off to buying saris and salwar-kameezes, so I will have to write more later. Namaste!

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